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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

chitter chatter

I am not on my computer right now so I am unable to post some of the things I worked on today.  I will have to wait until I am finally able to access my laptop to post pics.  I wish my mom's computer had a sim card reader so I could put some pics on this blog post but oh well it will have to wait until later.  One thing I did want to mention is yesterday when I did some shopping I was able to get a set of 10 files that were on clearance at Ace Hardware.  These files are like the kind you would find most wood workers using on their own personal projects.  What makes this set of files so special is they are the smaller type files that are great for detailing smaller wood pieces.  Right now I am just practicing using different techniques on my smaller wood pieces to see what they will do.  They were an absolute steal at under $5 for the entire set.  I will have to take a picture and post it here.  There are so many different tutorials and websites that I have been looking at lately that I will eventually post the links to where I learned a particular technique or at least give the person credit where I learn something and then used it in my own mini making adventures.  So that is all for now and later I will post the little projects I worked on today.  Right now they are drying and not ready to be photographed.  Please if you stop by to read my little blog leave a comment or just say Hi.  And I am always always looking for advice when it comes to making miniature furniture and doll houses.

Thank you for reading.

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